For more on emergency shelter practices, we suggest having a look at The sphere project Humanitarian Charter and Standards in Humanitarian Response.
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Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Structural system = Skyhooks?

not sure about how this one stays up or how they chose this particular structural system - but it might have issues if an engineer had a look..

Another dome...

"Inspired by the Dymaxion vision of TH hero Bucky Fuller"....

bunkers on legs

safe bunkers

lego shelters

lego shelters - The idea is that these bulky plastic bricks are delivered, and contain a dose of food and water.

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Paper / Cardboard shelters

Tried and failed to take off as a post disaster shelter in Rwanda (UNHCR 1999), Turkey (2000), Bhuj, India (2001) and Haiti (2010) - largely due to the fact that cardboard needed to be brought in to the affected areas. See for more.

Concrete canvas - not for airfreight

These shelters have had a lot of media coverage - but the weight (2MT) and water requirements (nearly 1MT) of these 25m2 structures makes them impractical for most humanitarian operations. Maybe ok for militaries who have much higher transportation budgets.